Thursday, October 11, 2007

Serp Archive

What is SerpArchive?
SerpArchive is a service which daily stores the results of search engine queries indicated by user.

Using this service users are able:
  • to track the dynamic changes of the results of search engine queries
  • to follow the rating changes of your resources and the resources of your business rivals in real time
  • to analyse the changes in rating algorithm of search engines
  • to track advertising programmes of Google Adsence
  • to track down sites which appear/disappear from SERPs
  • to analyse the dynamic changes of Google PR
  • to follow the history of changes of Google cache in time

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Internet names for Asia launched

The .asia regional internet domain has officially opened for business, with big firms expected to grab addresses.

Governments and companies can now register interest in specific domain names, such as

Companies will be able to register domains for which they own a trademark and governments will get a chance to earmark those on a reserved list.

The general public will get a chance to snap up their own .asia domain when the landrush starts in February 2008.

BBC News

MS SQL server: How to dynamically number rows in a SELECT T-SQL statement

set nocount on
if exists (select * from sysobjects where type = 'U' and name = 'ranked_table')

drop table ranked_table

-- create a test table (just for example)
create table ranked_table
id_test int identity not null,
string varchar (255),
constraint pk_test primary key (id_test)

set identity_insert ranked_table on

-- insert sample data
insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)
values (1,'testdata1')

insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)
values (3,'testdata2')
insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)

values (11,'testdata3')
insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)
values (45,'testdata4')

insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)
values (58,'testdata5')
insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)

values (61,'testdata6')
insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)
values (111,'testdata7')

insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)
values (123,'testdata8')
insert into ranked_table (id_test, string)

values (134,'testdata9')

set identity_insert ranked_table off

-- 1. Create a View
if exists (select * from sysobjects where type = 'V' and name = 'ranked_view')

drop view ranked_view
create view ranked_view (rank, id_test, sting)

select (
select count(*)
from ranked_table as test_2
where test_2.id_test <= test_1.id_test
) as rank,
from ranked_table as test_1

select *
from ranked_view
order by rank

-- 2. "Standard" T-SQL
select count (test_2.id_test) as rank, test_1.id_test, test_1.string
from ranked_table as test_1 inner join ranked_table as test_2 on

test_1.id_test >= test_2.id_test
group by test_1.id_test, test_1.string
order by rank

-- 3. "Standard" T-SQL
select test_3.rank, test_3.id_test, test_3.string
from (select test_1.id_test,
(select count(*)
from ranked_table as test_2
where test_2.id_test <= test_1.id_test
) as rank
from ranked_table as test_1) as test_3

order by rank

-- 4. Temporary table with IDENTITY
if not object_id('tempdb..#rank_table') is null
drop table #rank_table
create table #rank_table
rank int identity not null,
id_test int null,
string varchar (255),
constraint pk_test primary key (rank)
insert into #rank_table (id_test, string)
select id_test, string
from ranked_table
order by id_test

select * from #rank_table

-- 5. Table variable with IDENTITY
declare @rank_table table
rank int identity not null,
id_test int null,
string varchar (255)

insert into @rank_table (id_test, string)
select id_test, string
from ranked_table
order by id_test
select * from @rank_table


-- 6. Cursor
declare @rank int,
@id_test int,
@string varchar (255)

declare rank_cursor cursor
for select id_test, string
from ranked_table
order by id_test

open rank_cursor
fetch next from rank_cursor into @id_test, @string
set @rank = 1

while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
select @rank, @id_test, @string
set @rank = @rank + 1
fetch next from rank_cursor into @id_test, @string

close rank_cursor
deallocate rank_cursor

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

MS SQL server: E-mail address validation

if @email not like '[^.]%[^.]@[^.]%[^.].[^.]%[^.]'
or @email like '%[а-я `!#$%^&*(){}\|/,?]%'
or isnull(charindex('@', substring(@email, charindex('@', @email) + 1, len(@email) - charindex('@', @email))), 1) > 0
print 'Not valid'
print "valid'

MS SQL server: How can I do a case-sensitive comparison on a SQL Server installed with a case-insensitive sort-order?

select * from my_table
where convert(varbinary(4), my_column) = convert (varbinary(4), 'teST')