Thursday, October 4, 2007

VBScript: URLEncode Function

Function URLEncode(ByVal str)
Dim strTemp, strChar
Dim intPos, intASCII
strTemp = ""
strChar = ""
For intPos = 1 To Len(str)
intASCII = Asc(Mid(str, intPos, 1))
If intASCII = 32 Then
strTemp = strTemp & "+"
ElseIf ((intASCII < 123) And (intASCII > 96)) Then
strTemp = strTemp & Chr(intASCII)
ElseIf ((intASCII < 91) And (intASCII > 64)) Then
strTemp = strTemp & Chr(intASCII)
ElseIf ((intASCII < 58) And (intASCII > 47)) Then
strTemp = strTemp & Chr(intASCII)
strChar = Trim(Hex(intASCII))
If intASCII < 16 Then
strTemp = strTemp & "%0" & strChar
strTemp = strTemp & "%" & strChar
End If
End If
URLEncode = strTemp
End Function

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